Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hasta luego, Mexico

Once again, that letdown.  I'm back in Seattle, after an incredible trip, wanting to be back where I was twenty-four hours ago.  Of course, there will be next times, many of them.  As I left one wonderful place after another, I lamented the parting, consoling myself with, "Next time."  It is part promise, to the place, that I will return and uncover more.  It is part promise to myself, that I can find this feeling again.  The sentimentality, so soon forgotten.  I'm not sure if I have time in my life, were I to travel until the end, to experience everything I want to see, and return to the places to which I have whispered this promise.  During each step of the return journey (bus to Puerto Vallarta, airport, boarding plane), Jamie and I looked at each other, daring the other to make the choice not to return home so soon.  At a different juncture, I would not have returned so easily.  Alas, here I am.  How responsible.

I am left with daydreams of overnight buses to Mexico City, mole in Oaxaca, Mayan ruins in the Yucatan, arches on the Baja Peninsula.  Next time.

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