Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yinzes been to Pixburgh?

Poor, neglected blog!  Pushy graduate school has gotten in the way.  Instead of trying to cover the lost time, I'll just say sorry to the blog and move on.

I really like Pittsburgh.  It is a beautiful, quirky city.  After being here for the past three months, I think Jamie and I have finally moved past the stage of wondering what the f*** about anything and just accepting that things really don't make much sense in the reality that we're familiar with.  Which is pretty neat. 

The culture shock...  Well, when I was in Spain, I satisfied my mystification by telling myself that I was in a different country with an entirely different culture.  Hmm, which doesn't work as well for Pittsburgh, seeing as how it's in the same country where I've grown up.  There's so much weirdness that goes on in this city.  I ask my classmates about it, and it seems as if it's unique to Pittsburgh.  All the more weird, I'd say.

Let's see, we live in an old brick building from the 1920s with crazy radiator heat, which means the colder it is outside, the warmer it is inside.  There a resident mystery mouse (or something) that occasionally takes bites out of cookies left on the counter.  The pantry is the largest thing ever, only surpassed by our ginormous apartment (don't argue with the logic...).

The city is a crazy maze of one-way, curvy, confusing streets--sometimes with cobblestone. 

There's something called Pittsburguese or somethin' that means that there's a strange dialect here where people say "yinzes" instead of "y'all" and "redd up" for "clean/tidy up."  En at.