Monday, June 23, 2008

San Sebastián

San Sebastián is a wonderful wonderful city and I love it! It's on a beautiful bay with a paseo and two beaches surrounding it. We went out for pinchos and sidra last night. It was all really good; the best pinchos I've had in Spain. After eating we went were looking for a bar that didn't seen Spanish, and ended up in a clearly foreign bar with the soccer game. Spain beat Italy, then the place cleared out and the bartender put on American music for us. I requested Michael Jackson so Sydney, the bartender, one other customer, and I all sang the entire Thriller album. After that we met some Spanish guys and they took us to a gay club: my first in Spain. It was a lot of fun, they were playing excellent music (Postal Service, Chili Peppers, Bruce Springsteen). Now I have a wicked hangover but well worth it. So, tomorrow we start the Camino!! We're going to try to take it easy the first couple days... I'm excited but I have no idea what to expect! I'm a little sad to be leaving San Sebastián but glad that we'll be in the País Vasco for awhile longer. I think I could live here.

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