Or, more specifically, the Ibo prince. So, yesterday at school, one of the random men who work at the school and walk around and don't really seem to have a purpose, called me to come out to meet this woman. I don't know how she found out about me (English auxiliar) but she asked me if I could help her communicate with her mother-in-law, who doesn't speak Spanish, that her husband (the mom's son.. confusing!) had been detained. I was super confused myself but told her I would. We met yesterday afternoon at our favorite bar (the teachers', Jenny's and mine, not the random lady's.. English is my first language???). Mariola told me that her husband is a Nigerian prince and his uncle is the king of Nnewi in the soutern region of Nigeria. Pretty much, Mariola's parents are racist and had Mariola and the prince's daughter taken away; they were both put in jail but Mariola was released and the prince continues in the jail in Cáceres. Very confusing. She showed me pictures of the prince, his royal family, their kids. Then a long confusing period followed while we tried to get ahold of his mother, the sister of the king. Finally I talked to his aunt, I think, who would look into it. Mariola told me she was afraid their son would be taken from her too.
It was incredibly strange, the whole situation. Before meeting her, Jenny and I decided that I should charge her, since I'd be giving her a service. I'd even thought of a mostly tactful way to say it. But after she started telling me all this, I just couldn't say anything. I really feel for her, she seemed so desperate for someone to talk to, someone to listen to her. She told me how awful it is when your family abandons you; once again, I realize how lucky I am.
Anyway! Tomorrow I go to Madrid, to spend the night in Barajas for our flight to Budapest on Saturday morning! I can't wait. It's weird though. I wonder how I'll feel on the bus tomorrow. I have 4+ hours to deal with it.
Food, friends, fun in DC
11 years ago
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