Monday, May 26, 2008

En fin... ¡joder!

I'm down to the last week here in Coria. I have my certificate for the program, got it last Thursday in Mérida. I was joking about not going back to work after I got it and after we got paid (paid today) and when I went to the school to pick up my schedule, I was told that I didn't have any classes--"una semana libre". My last week. Those bastards! They didn't even give me the chance to not come in! Haha, it's fine, but a little weird. So, I'm done. DONE. Done with this shitty job! Very anticlimatic, especially since I didn't realize last Friday would be my last day. But I still have 4 more days here until I go to Madrid. Ah well. En fin, I'm done. All that's left here is packing and cleaning the house. It's so hard to believe. I'm just so over it all.

I think I'll be sad when I leave. This has been my home for the last 7+ months. I'm not quite sure what I'm getting in to in terms of Eastern Europe, the Camino, and espeically the life that awaits me in the US. I do know that when I get back there will definitely be stress waiting for me. We were talking about what it's going to be like when we get back home, and Talisa made a good point. What we're living right now, here in Spain, seems like a dream for us. Life is so laid back, so chill. But this is reality here. What we live here is reality for los españoles. Even those with careers. Nothing compared to the hurried lives of most Americans. And I realize that I'm lazy and I like to live like this.

Anyway! Enough rambling! It's time to leave this pueblo, travel for a month or two, walk across northern Spain, then face the real world. Reality. My future. Life. Joder, ¿eh? I can't believe how fast it went. Así es.

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