I am over, done, finished, through with that test. I did well, and more importantly, well enough to be satisfied with the results and not feel the need to take it again. So, I've successfully squirmed through another hoop. Now what? This was the biggest hurdle for so long that I put almost no thought into what came after. I'm trying to simply bask in the glory of the moment but my mind leaps ahead. [Better indulge it for a moment] Grad school: yes. In what? Library and Information Science: this seems good. But what if I want to do something else? There are so many possibilities and I almost felt as if I could never achieve any of them because I wouldn't pass the GRE. [Asinine] So, here I am. Another crossroads: decisions, decisions! The application process is daunting; the decision-making process, even more so.
I felt calm entering the test. I knew I would do well, I knew it would be relatively easy to achieve what I needed. So then what? Perhaps I harbored the minutest sliver of hope that I wouldn't do well and could use that as an excuse to not. Postpone the choices. But here I am now. Looking forward.
Food, friends, fun in DC
11 years ago
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