My new year's resolution is to write in this blog more consistently. Just kidding. Because, really, new year's resolutions? Hah! Anyway, my second semester of graduate school starts tomorrow. I will be taking five classes (like last semester), which is ridiculous but ensures that I will graduate in December 2011. I'm dreading classes just a little but I figure it will be more manageable than last term. I only have one core course, as opposed to four, which should lighten the load and make it more engaging. Plus, I survived my first semester of graduate school, which means that I will never have another first semester of graduate school again! (That's probably the best part.) Jamie keeps reminding me that graduate school is supposed to be fun. Hmmmmm.

Jamie and I just got back from 9 days in Lubbock, Texas. Yes, I hadn't heard of it either before I met Jamie. Nor had I ever been to Texas. The weather was beautiful--a wonderful break from the sub-freezing temperatures in Pixburgh before we left. It was nice to leave so that I could relax away from the things here that stress me out. The first day we were there I was walking around in a t-shirt. It was a welcome change. In addition to family time, we explored Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo and navigated sprawl in a huge SUV of sorts, counting Hummers and eating Tex-Mex. I tried not to stare at everything supersized, Texas-sized. Especially the hair. Boy howdy!! I have to say, acclimating to Pittsburgh helped me in Texas. Like a nice cultural pit stop between Seattle and Texas or something (pun intended).
Happy holidays! Yeee-haw!