I decided to go to the University of Pittsburgh because, why not? I received so much advice--mainly absurd and unsolicited. You know, like taking mushrooms and going on a vision quest or getting extremely drunk and going online, deciding, accepting. Which makes me wonder: is that how other people decide? Shit. Is that what I should have done? As always, the decision was anti-climatic. This can be surprising for people, but I think it's because I had already made my decision about a week and a half ago and was making sure that it felt right before I admitted it to myself and committed to it. Jamie and I were looking at a map of the United States, talking about the road trip we would take to get to whichever school I chose. As I traced one proposed path, it ended in Pittsburgh. Weird.
I am so excited! Now it feels really real and I can begin to plan, hope, dream. So soon, my days of food service will be over! I will take an incredible cross-country road trip with Jamie! My life will change in crazy, dramatic, subtle, unexpected ways! It will be the end, the beginning of so many things. It already makes me nervous, stresses me but it's time.
Plus, the Cathedral of Learning! Ding!
Food, friends, fun in DC
11 years ago